By mulligan - 07/07/2016 17:38 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend I'll be moving to a different state in a few months for a new job. He now refers to me as his "girlfriend for now". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 881
You deserved it 2 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you two spoken about this before? I mean, was this info out of nowhere? Maybe he's hurt that you're moving and doesn't really know what to say. Communicate if you havent!


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How is that? He is saying he is going to break up with her in the future. She is just saying basically "why wait, do it your self"

Yeah, because not tolerating that someone calls you "his girlfriend for now" (implying that he doesn't really care all too much about you or simply wants to be hurtful and guilting you into staying) makes you bitter...

YourOpinionSucks 22

Maybe he wants her to dump him so he doesn't seem like the bad guy. Let's face it. nobody wants to be in a long distance relationship, and if it were discussed beforehand, clearly the bf isn't going. He could be saying it for a number of reasons, but I can understand where he's coming from. She essentially chose work over him, so if anyone is allowed to be bitter, its the man who realized his girlfriend cares more about money than being with him.

Hey, why wait? Good luck with your new job and new start.

Yeah, you should probably say your ex. That's a disaster waiting to happen if you continue dating him.

wolfgurl28 10

Have you two spoken about this before? I mean, was this info out of nowhere? Maybe he's hurt that you're moving and doesn't really know what to say. Communicate if you havent!

Lizza330 28

Is it possible that he's joking?

I guess a few moths is just too many.

watch me get down voted. So if the boyfriend found out his girlfriend was taking a job offer out of state AFTER the fact he has no right to be upset, concerned for their relationship and its viability, and a smart ass because his feelings got hurt. I admit its childish and yeah he is already checked out so ex fits.

honestly I'm kinda in agreeance with you. if OPs boyfriend didn't know about the job and she accepted without discussing it at all. it probably made him feel like he's not part of her future plans and the comments are just his way of dealing with what he thinks is probably coming..the breakup. not enough context to really know the situation either way.

its the other way around. if they were dating and out of nowhere she tells hims shes moving, he has every right to be upset and sure maybe he shouldnt be childish but its messed up. now if she told him beforehand that she got an offer and was thinking about it, before actually accepting it, then at least she was bwing considerate and showed that she valued his opinion and if she accepts then he would have to man up and accept it or not. however it seems she was simply like "btw im moving in a few months for a new job i did t tell you about"

Ugh, lesson learned. Punctuation is so important. It was a question not a statement. Given where comments were heading I was asking them to see the other side.