TW: gross

By Unimpressed - 03/06/2009 10:40 - Australia

Today, I was taking a taxi home after drinking too much. I started to feel sick and, not wanting to be charged the cab cleaning fee, threw up into my handbag instead. When we got to my place I then had to fish through my bag for my wallet to pay the driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 516
You deserved it 58 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xivilia 0

Wow, don't drink.. Try a safe alternative such as.... Smoothies.. Mmmm, everyone loves smoothies.....

bxrv43 0


YDI for not asking the driver to just pull over or something, but I commend for taking a cab instead of trying to drive yourself home :). #112 (vag) -- WTF is that supposed to mean?

if your money was in your wallet, i dont think puke would get on it? the wallet would protect it right....? i think the fml here is that she had to go through her puke.

#83 - TMI darling, TMFI... #114: "jewish" in this instance (#is a tasteless and shitty way of saying the girl was too cheap to pay the clean up fee ($50 where I'm from) so she would rather puke in her bag.

#83: TMI darling, TMFI... #113: "jewish" in this instance (#112) is a tasteless way to say that the OP was too cheap to pay the clean up fee ($50 where I'm from) and would rather barf in her bag. OP: FYL...

#11, it's a form of appreciation. Just let it be. Never a boring night out on the drink. If you had the decision all over again would you puke in the bag which most definitely would have been worth more than the cab cleaning fee or would you repeat history? Or would you use the window?

OP, I'm trying to decide if your username should instead be "Unimpressive" or "Impressive" because either way, that was a massive fail and extremely unforgettable.

BrutalDave, you made my night. I love that song, and I loved your post. :)

maybe that teaches you not to get drunk... YDI

nizmotuner 0

Ever hear of rolling down a window or opening the door?

Hey everybody who's saying why would you not do this or that or why did you puke all over your stuff: This OP is someone old enough to afford to take a taxi home when drunk, familiar enough with the fees associated with puking in said taxi, and yet, still stupid enough to misspell "taking," and willing to actually drink that much without realizing that it would ONCE AGAIN lead to vomit covered possessions. This person did not think through what might happen if they drank their weight in alcohol. (inability to plan ahead and be responsible) I bet he/she often finds various utilities disconnected and check/bank/credit cards that "don't work" and has yet to make a connection with *that* either.