By victimboi - 05/06/2009 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a taxi home from work. Only having notes in my wallet, I told the taxi driver that I'd run inside my house and come back out with the change for the journey. He agreed, but only if I left my bag as collateral. It seemed fair. An hour later, I realized my wallet was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 355
You deserved it 48 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

irishlassie731 0

You deserve it for leaving your personal belongings in a freakin taxi, especially your wallet. Moron.


The OP is from the UK so notes over their doesn't mean notes like over here in Canada and USA. Notes are a form of currency for them in a paper form. He was probably going to go to go get a pound or quids.

Thanks 132 for explaining something so blindingly obvious. #2 must be wearing sunglasses.

136 - He may not be from the UK and it is possible to see through sunglasses.

"A pound or quids" makes no sense in England, but good effort for currency translation. Also "going to go to go get": I think you need a proof reader.

soccerstar6115 0

It's not that bad [unless the notes were that important]... It's better than losing money and credit cards in my opinion.

OP is from UK.... Notes=currency... currency=money I'm not sure what type of notes he had though cause I'm not entirely sure what value of notes there are...

I DONT UNDERSTAND YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!! but he means notes as in money not like things you study from

You should have just rounded up to the next dollar and given him a tip geeze

so you're saying give him a tenner for a £5 taxi journey? or a 50 quid note for a £20? i don't freakin think so, no taxi service is worth that much tip - especially since the fares are painfully expensive anyway.

Komatose 0

Damn. that sux. And it leaves me with no funny comments. Was it the cabbie whoa took it? Damn cabbies...

#5, notes as in dollar bills (paper money) haha

collegeshmollege 0

He only said you had to leave your bag in the car, you could have been a smartass and taken what you actually might want back out of it.... Probably the smarter thing to do next time.