By Username - 27/01/2011 17:40 - Romania

Today, I was running late for school because I had a huge stomach ache. To save on time, I took a taxi. When the taxi driver hit a bump, I lost control of my bowels and shit myself. Not only do I have to wash my underwear in the sink at school now, but I had to pay the driver extra to remove the smell from his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 116
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think when you shit in a taxi it's time to GO HOME!!!! lol but really that's terrible. i hope you feel better.

thats horrible.D: why would you be going to school with stomach problems anyway?


thats horrible.D: why would you be going to school with stomach problems anyway?

why would u wash ur shitty underwear at school anyway and in the sink. damn

Some schools have a policy against missing too many days of class. OP might have been at or near the limit

i think when you shit in a taxi it's time to GO HOME!!!! lol but really that's terrible. i hope you feel better.

HacoC_Blood 0

Haha yeah that sucks. Next time you feel sick just don't go.

Here come the "shitty situation" jokes... :/

UpsidedownKayak 9

Here is another crappy FML about a shitty shituation. Ummm...I have a brain fart. This stinks, I can usually think of something. Damn it, somebody must have pissed in my zen garden.

MisherzzSquisher 0
mintcar 9

That's incredibly disgusting but FYL. If it happened in the taxi cab then chances are it'll probably happen again while you're in school.

UpsidedownKayak 9

At least there are restrooms at school, like the one she's in cleaning out her underwear.

I don't think your vehicle will hit many bumps in school...

Why on earth would you still go to school after that?? You should've told the cabdriver to turn around.

I don't understand why you went to school with a bad stomach ache in the first place ... and after you shit your pants, couldn't have you asked the cab driver to turn back?

LittleMonsterSam 5

That made me have a spit take!

perdix 29

And if you've ever seen that episode of "Seinfeld," you'd know that smell NEVER comes out. It's Beyond BO! He's going to see if someone will steal his cab, so he can get some insurance money.

k to many fmls have this happening, if your gonna shit, puke or piss yourself even if there is the smallest chance stay home people. bosses and teachers have to be accepting of this. Unless you skip all the time then you deserve it. If you dont feel well stay home, make it up later.