
By prostate - 08/06/2009 13:48 - United States

Today, I got prostate examination for the first time. Now I can't decide what's worse, the fact that I got a boner when the doctor inserted his finger, or the fact that my wife told the story to pretty much everybody we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 391
You deserved it 7 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Brolin 4

Don't worry about the boner too much, lots of guys like the feeling of having their prostate's really pretty normal, most just are too worried cause they think it means they're gay or something

Not **** you life. **** your wife. She's a bitch. ( By the way, I mean not like "have sex with her." I mean like, "dude, screw her."


d805 0

lol at #27 - gotta love Family Guy

TNEBlover 0

and now you just told the whole world =]

Its completely natural for that to happen when your prostate gets examined. Now your wife is a different story.

To the people claiming that he is gay because of this... get a life and read the comments above about the effect prostrate stimulation has on men- it's pleasurable get over it. It's the problem with his wife's inability to give personal space or keep personal secrets that is ******* his life up. The difference between posting it here, and having his town now, is that FML is anonymous, and he can turn the internet off when he wants. Real life can't be turned off or walked away from, and he has to look at his friends and know that they know things about him that embarrassed him and leave him feeling vulnerable FHL indeed

passwordvixen 0


philosopher 0

Just do what #30 and #101 say. And you can even use it as a leaping point to stick something up her backdoor and see how she likes it. And yeah, referring to #116's comment, you may want to just stop telling people who weren't in the same room.

skiBOAT 0

Joke's on her. The doctor probably did a better job than she could.