By Not impressed. - 19/11/2013 05:51 - Canada - Toronto

Today, working in a department store, I spent at least 30 minutes helping a verbally abusive elderly woman in a wheelchair find an appropriate jacket for winter. She finally asked me to retrieve one she wanted in her size. When I returned she was in deep sleep, snoring and all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 598
You deserved it 3 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've "accidentally" bumped into her wheelchair. So she would have awoken.


That's when you should have gently placed the jacket over her face, holding it tightly over her nose and mouth, softly whispering in her ear, "Shhhhh, it'll all be over soon. Let it happen, let it happen, move to the light..."

Rainhawk94 27

I can imagine the lady having difficulty finding a style that works in the chair. Perhaps she has been unsuccessful at several other stores. And then she might want a less vivid color scheme than your store's target demographic. Gently move her out of a high traffic area and hope she only needs a cat nap. Remember that your only purpose for being there is to assist customers in finding the right product and helping them spending their money.

Sophie_Hart 9

I'm a stylist and when I am not busy I help out on the floor selling product. Some people make your life hell just because. "Why are you sold out! I drove in from out of town you wasted all my time coming here and are sold out!!!!" Just an example, no matter how nice you are or all the reasonable explanations you give they will never be happy. Except it and piss them off by being super nice.