By ScreweD- - 16/11/2015 21:39 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got a writing assignment back. After meeting with my professor specially after class and meticulously combing through every word of that paper, I got a low D. Turns out, he graded me down on every suggestion of his that I took. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 159
You deserved it 2 103

Same thing different taste

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That's really terrible teaching. I'm sorry op. What's the point of giving pointers if your not allowed to use them? I thought that was the point of "teaching"?

So he's trying to teach you to not learn from him? That's ridiculous...


That's really terrible teaching. I'm sorry op. What's the point of giving pointers if your not allowed to use them? I thought that was the point of "teaching"?

I can kind of see the teacher's point, but it was executed horribly. I know my history teacher let's us use his suggestions, but he likes it better when we take our own approach at an assignment. So if our paper starts to sound too much like HIS paper, he might pull us aside and ask us to try and be more original next time. But to mark a student down for EVERY suggestion he took is just overkill.

I don't think that is the point though, OP went to him for some guidance and the teacher deliberately screwed her over.

Redgy22 26

If OP went through every word with the instructor, getting feedback, then it sounds like the instructor basically did all the work. I can't believe the instructor spent that much time with you in the first place.

Teachers are supposed to give you suggestions and ideas to help you improve. I've had teachers that have actually taken points off for not using their suggestions.

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There is a difference between plagiarism and taking a suggestion. I'm assuming OP turned those ideas in to his/her own and giving his/her own twist. I really doubt the professor told the OP word to word what he would write if it's his assignment.

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A lot of those suggestions were probably something like "break this paragraph into 2 paragraphs because it makes a more cohesive argument". Or, "tie this idea back to your thesis statement". I highly doubt the professor dictated an essay to OP.

Or else, it wouldn't be a suggestion, he'd just be writing the essay for the OP.

Redgy22 26

You shouldn't assume anything.

You know what they say about assuming: it makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me"

Do you have proof of this? I'd be talking to someone and not just accepting the grade. He set you up to fail and that is not cool.

If OP does have proof I would take it to the department head, if not the College President/Dean.

So he's trying to teach you to not learn from him? That's ridiculous...

I laughed really hard because of this comment at a seminar o sorts

20bricks 28

You should've gotten the low D during the special meetings.

Well, now you have a reason to not listen to him in the future.

and that is whats wrong with the schooling system; the teachers dont know how to teach. sorry that happened. could i reccomend taking it up with higher powers??

yenze 18

I am not sure how jesus will help her here

I will admit that is funny. I think she meant the school higher ups unless Jesus plays a role.

countryb_cth 38

Ask for it to be moderated. Surely your paper is on the right track if you have gone through it with your professor.

Classic bait. You'll probably be forced to repeat the course ie more money for the university...