By box bulge - 21/10/2011 01:24 - China

Today, whilst trying on a pair of jeans, I got my genitals caught in my fly. I'm a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 011
You deserved it 9 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ritzbits 0

how did this phenomenon occur?

Guess you'll be bleeding twice this month


HushHushKeeKat 0

Never eating Arby's again. Ever.

technochik3 12

You must be a woman who got a penis.

Labia are sexehhhhhh Whoever said meat curtains. Take your sorry asses and drag them to he'll. And then eat poop.

Oh god what a horrible image to have in my head

artinwords 14

How the hell do you manage that?