By Andrew - 30/10/2012 06:08 - United States - Monroe

Today, whilst in an argument with my girlfriend, I told her she was the craziest bitch I'd ever met. She responded with "Challenge accepted." I'm now terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 929
You deserved it 46 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.


I think what 1 is trying to say is, since OP already said she's the craziest bitch he's ever met, her challenge is already completed. At this point she's only competing with herself...

Jeterforever 3

Dude come on that's just stupid OP.

I'm favoriting this FML only because I couldn't believe OP would say something so stupid to a woman. YtotallyDI.

cookieface15 2

She is gonna show you a crazy bitch. You ain't seen nothing yet.

I suggest wearing a metal protector over your junk.

chell1894 13

Oh god, what has this world come to with all these phrases?

"and that kids is how I met your mother" :-)

perdix 29

#3, the end. In 2012, the Mayan calendar ends, we're going to get smashed by Nibiru and we have YOLO. 'nuff said?

ShadowKatQueen 2
VooDooCarrie91 19

I saw a commercial for a city near me and it was a party planning business called "YOLO". I wanted to shoot myself.

Whoa, swag is waaay worse than YOLO! At least YOLO has a life philosophy to it. Swag is just a terribly stupid sounding word. In my not-so-humble opinion.

crazytwinsmom 25

Swag used to mean 'scientific wild ass guess'. It was more useful then.

Actually, no. Swag is a pop culture term derived from "swagger", which is not a fictional word developed by teens and semi intelligent communities.

zen1979 16

Swag is also what pirates an merchant sailors would refer to riches or plunder as. Gold, silver or other valuables were called swag as a slang reference.

And as can be seen by the present data *points to FML*, it is conclusive that OP is indeed, utterly screwed.

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.

You know, I've seen people accidentally post a comment twice, sometimes even three times, but you sir, must have been aiming to break the FML record, and you may have succeeded.. :P

Agreed. If she's that bad (not that you sounds much better) maybe it's time just to call it off.

habibiiiiiii 2

I agree no one should call a girl bitch

fucking_dev 2

I'd expect different coming from the Soviet Union ...... sorry I'm stuck in wwII time ..

Not the majority. I'm sorry but there's a plethora of girls that I know that the best best to describe them would be"total and absolute bitch".

PhishloverA 14

I agree with #5. As soon as I saw that you called her the "craziest bitch" it was fact that you aren't getting your way on this FML buster

ExtremeEncounter 32

That was disrespectful on your part. You deserve it.

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.

Why did you comment so many times...? And sometimes in the heat of an argument you say things like that, especially if you're getting frustrated at the other person

PowerRussia 2

I commented once. Guess fml glitched sorry for the comment spam.

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.

PowerRussia 2

My apologies, FML posted my comment like 6 times.

Wow, comment 7-10 all went to you. With the same comment. Leave the send button for a few xD. But I agree, no matter how heated the argument is, insulting should always stay out.

Craziest bitch I've ever met... I must say I've never heard that used as an actual insult. Always just between friends as a joke/compliment...

That's true I guess. I call my friends stupid names as a joke and they do it back. However, if the tone somebody else said it was actually condescending, then I would get pretty angry.