By Andrew - 30/10/2012 06:08 - United States - Monroe

Today, whilst in an argument with my girlfriend, I told her she was the craziest bitch I'd ever met. She responded with "Challenge accepted." I'm now terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 928
You deserved it 46 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

YDI dude, even in an argument you shouldn't insult your girlfriend like that.


You should be afraid to sleep. She is quick on her feet. lol Good luck, you will need all the luck you can get.

lexiepullen 7

If you feel that way, why is she your girlfriend?

daxxbuttons 12

So.... This is suggesting that OP's girlfriend would have to go and find him a crazier bitch to exceed this challenge, if she's already the craziest bitch he knows. So she sucks at memes and life.

The only "b" word you should calla woman is beautiful. Bitches love being called beautiful.

You shouldn't date anyone who uses third-rate memes like that.

My EX girlfriend was the sane way! Good luck

mysticshroom 2

so..the problem is you are dating a ******* moron? she accepted the challenge of ALREADY being the craziest bitch you ever met. the only way that response would make any sense is if you said "you are NOT the craziest bitch ever". otherwise it wasn't a challenge at all, and you are obviously a retard as well for not noticing this mid-arguement.