By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, while working as a carhop at Sonic, my roller skates ran over some gravel and I fell, causing me to drop a tray of food. I found out later that one of the customers had deliberately done that to see if I would trip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 436
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you weren't seriously injured...that's a pretty lame thing of the customer to do.

Next time put some pubic hairs on his burger and call them sprouts. Don't f*ck with the people who handle your food because they can f*ck you back so much harder.


I always fear that will happen to the carhop when I go to Sonic. Sorry that happened. Hope you are ok.

That sucks OP. Funny, for all the Sonics I've ever been to, the carhops just walk the food out to the car (one in each KS, MO, and CA).. Probably for this reason, I'd assume. People who wait on others- especially in foodservice- really get mistreated. =[

bdonskater 0

death pebbles - skateboarding term

hateevryone 14

that is why i couldn't work at sonic

Why are you surprised? You live in Jersey, I bet it was an orange skinned chick with a jacked up face and big, fake boobs.

krapcissaruj 13

To be honest, the same thing happened to me when i worked there. So. Many. Pricks.

Epickitty58 29

Sorry that you had to wait on some douchebags. My advice: when you get them their order again, ask for extra nose hair and toenail clippings on the side. Nothing says "enjoy your meal" like spitting in their diet coke.

lifeisstrange84 8

immaturity at it finest, yet that prick is the first to Bitch even their food takes a moment longer than expected.