By BlackRavenWings - 21/11/2010 22:36 - United States

Today, I noticed a picture in an elderly patients room, of a pretty girl in a bikini. Trying to be funny and lighten the mood, I said, "Looks like you have some good eye candy to help you recover faster." With a stern look he replied, "That's my granddaughter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 914
You deserved it 35 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just curious, what kind of granddaughter gives a picture of herself in a bikini to her grandfather? I also have to ask what kind of grandpa frames it and has it brought to the hospital? I'm sure he must of had more appropriate photos of her so why bring that one? Was he trying to spark some doctors attention and want to date her? the whole damn thing is just creepy.

gusgus36 5

whatever, he should expect it if he's gonna have a bikini pic of her. Kinda weird really


IAreStarfeesh 0

Hmm.... Curious situation here...

What grandpa has a picture of his granddaughter in a bikini? That's pretty messed up...

I'm pretty sure op took this from The Office when Stanley has a photo of his daughter up on the wall

firechildredhead 0

Eww what a creppy grand daughter.

how's it creepy of the grand daughter or her fault he has the photo? he's the weird one

Don't worry, she's a Ginger; she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Draminicaus 0

Gingers are hot! :) I'm just saiyan.

You're just saiyan? Can you also go SUPER Saiyan?

25 you lose all rights to bag out other people based on their display pic I'm just sayin

I'm sorry, Mr. Internet Cop. Will you accept my offer of eating out your asshole as a token of apology for offending you?

hahahahaha 31 is full of win, and i agree with him btw. how the hell is the granddaughter creepy in this situation?

hmm I dont know.. maybe she sent a pic of herself in a bikini to her grandfather

Maybe it was from a family vacation that bears good memories.

no man, goku, cell and vegetA can, this noob can't

So? I bet he still uses it as eye-candy.

gusgus36 5

whatever, he should expect it if he's gonna have a bikini pic of her. Kinda weird really

Pocahontas22_fml 0

sorry! off topic and doesn't matter! but you two look a lot alike..

DudeImBetter 0

wow you guys really do look alike. I wish someone on fml looked like me that would be awesome, for me at least.

Pocahontas22_fml 0

Haha we kinda do.... weird lol

good! I'm not the only one who sees it lol

riggens7522 0

# 5 my ex-bf looks like you, when I saw your comments on other posts I actually thought it was him.

mrbobmarley4 8

Am I the only one that think 20 and 6 are hot af?

I'm just curious, what kind of granddaughter gives a picture of herself in a bikini to her grandfather? I also have to ask what kind of grandpa frames it and has it brought to the hospital? I'm sure he must of had more appropriate photos of her so why bring that one? Was he trying to spark some doctors attention and want to date her? the whole damn thing is just creepy.

DudeImBetter 0

you basically summed it all up.

Blue_Coconuts 7

She probably took one while on vacation. I'd certainly hope it's not like she was in her room trying to be sexy. She was probably just out on a beach on a family vacation.

Exactly. I don't understand why people can't reach that conclusion.

It's a horrible world when you cannot have a picture of a family member without people thinking something disgusting. Who cares what she is wearing, it's a item of swim ware, not sexy underwear or something. The way peoples minds work is sickening.

Well if sick shit didn't happen on a regular bases ppl wuddent have the thoughts to begin with it's how n wat we're taught

lovinloki 9

Get real dude. Bikinis are underwear just made of a different material. I've got plenty of bikini tops that are skimpier than bras I wear.

missdezzybabee 0

YDI you perv !! How rude can you be?

Bees_fml 0

I think you need to look up the definition of that word before you fling it around.

AAShah 0

Which grandfather keeps a picture of their granddaughter in a bikini? Strange much? :S

Not at all. If she was sprawled over acar or bed it would be weird. If she's just waving while on a beach, it's normal. Do you not take pics when you're on holiday?

RedPillSucks 31

Exactly. I see pictures like this on peoples desk all the time. The family probably provided the picture to him and he didn't have much choice as to the content. Not everyone's mind is in the gutter.

ohheyliza 0

Also, they're from West Virginia.

BigEV 0