By mnavy - 28/09/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, while wearing my Navy Dress White Uniform, I decided to stop and help this attractive girl who was not feeling well. Without warning, she blew chunks all over my "Whites". I have a uniform inspection later this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 574
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My guess is you won't pass inspection. I'm subbing for Capt. Obvious on the Psychic Hotline today.

birds_fml 7

Man... I hope you've got a Tide stain pen LOL!


SailorLove 4

flight suits are gay. Whites and aquaflage all the way!

Aww shit, I'm so sorry to hear that bro.

Would you help her if she's unattractive?

I have been there, man. I'm in JROTC, my fourth year is coming up. That's happened... Twice

Makes me more glad that we wear dress blues!

I hope you explained what happened and you got excused from the check because of it.

SteppenBeatle 3

I bet if she was ugly, you wouldn't have stopped...

quick go to the nex and buy yourself a new set