
By Brenden - 25/01/2021 13:59

Today, my ex-girlfriend called me say she needed her car repaired. I fixed it as fast as I could so she could get back on her way, only to find out she’s on her way to my friend's place to have her guts rearranged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 939
You deserved it 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

there's a reason she's the ex-girlfriend let her fix her own damn car problems

Yeah dude, gotta cut out your ex's from your life. It'll be much easier with out the drama. Don't hold onto those good times they are your ex's for a reason.


there's a reason she's the ex-girlfriend let her fix her own damn car problems

Yeah dude, gotta cut out your ex's from your life. It'll be much easier with out the drama. Don't hold onto those good times they are your ex's for a reason.

flagbitch 8

"have her guts rearranged" lol

Sorry, OP, but DAMN that's a good euphemism...

Look, either she's your ex or your friend. If she's your friend, stop caring who gets in her. If she's your ex, stop helping her with stuff at the drop of a hat. This is on you.

ex's can befriends but that doesn't make it any less awkward when she gets together with your friend.

"Exes can be friends" Yeah, that's covered under "she's your ex or your friend". Either she is your ex, who you call your ex, and think of as your ex, or she is your friend. Who you are no longer dating and have moved on from and let live her own life. So again, she's either your ex or your friend. If you are hung up on how she's your ex, you're not being her friend.

ghostinflames 13

Move on. Don't let exes take advantage of you or complicate your life.

Amanda G Rich 23

She doesn't owe you anything. You decided to help her. It's not her fault you had sleazy intentions. She's also an EX so she can sleep with whoever she wants now, you don't own her. YDI all the way

While I agree with this, OP, who obviously still has some sort of issues with things, needs to stop contacting her/ doing things for her. If he doesn't view her as a friend and cares about who she sleeps with, then he should cut ties unless he wants to keep being hurt over it. That being said, if his friend knows this, he's also kind of an asshole for that. I would never sleep with my friend's ex, ever. Unless it was 100% uncomplicated and they just didn't like each other or something, I'm not that kind of f3iend

.. Friend. Not whatever I just typed lol.

Either that the grossest way to describe sex ever or she's getting illegal surgery I hope its that latter