By Sharee K. - 08/08/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, while walking in the city with my little sister, she let go of my hand. Not wanting to lose her, I quickly tried to grab it back. That resulted in me grabbing some 50 year-old man's junk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 526
You deserved it 6 583

Same thing different taste


If he didnt scream "rape" you know he liked it...

You never know who took a dump behind the dumpster

Meh a fifty guy year old guy's junk and a your little sister's hand.....?how does that balance out?

SoccerRebel594 0

159- Still not low enough, or dirty enough. 161- That's the "dirty" in "down and dirty" duh :)