By Sharee K. - 08/08/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, while walking in the city with my little sister, she let go of my hand. Not wanting to lose her, I quickly tried to grab it back. That resulted in me grabbing some 50 year-old man's junk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 526
You deserved it 6 583

Same thing different taste


you know you liked it and probably did it on purpose

OhhYeahAria 0

And where was your sister during this junk grabbing situation? ;o

JennyBear101 0

Lol poor little girls probably scarred for life! But the bright side is if u asked for a tip u could of bought her a Teddy bear! :D

nixom1334 6

i bet anything if the shoe was on the other foot and he accidentally grabbed your area, he would be in jail without you letting him explain. women are dumb.

Now that's a big mistake but did he like it?