By sdasdflkjas - 30/05/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, while the kid I was babysitting was in the bathroom, he called to me "I need some help in here." Worried I ran to the bathroom and asked him what was wrong. He needed me to wipe his butt. As if that weren't gross enough, just as my hand was under his butt, he pooped again and laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 132
You deserved it 6 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there, didn't fall for that, back in my babysitting days. Kid called me and told me she needed me to wipe her, I handed her a roll of TP and told her to grow up and do it herself. Works wonders. She cleaned herself just fine. (At her age, I'm sure she normally already cleaned by herself and was just tempted to pull a prank like the kid you babysat too, so I'm sure I escaped a similar fate...)


Jeez, you people are uptight. Shit happens, especially with little kids. Wash your hands thoroughly, sanitize them, and move on-- obsessing over it isn't going to do you any good.

rallets 22

you shouldve smeared it all over his face and laugh

You should not have smeared it on his face, you should have made sure that the kid's parents knew about it and punished him appropriately. Perhaps you should have recommended that since their kid is going to poop whenever he wants like a baby, they should treat him like one and make him wear diapers. How old was he? If he were only 2 or 3, he may have actually needed you and not intended to poop; he just did and thought it was funny like babies think everything is. If he's 4, 5, or 6, then that was definitely intended. You probably should decided that after that night, you would never work for them again, and would confront any and all baby-sitters they try to hire about the incident. Prevent them from being able to go out and leave their kid home alone, and force them to stay home more often teaching him some manners. And to all of you who think that this kid is awesome and hilarious, I'll bet that you're similar little pranksters who take pleasure in making other people's lives as miserable as possible. Learn some manners and understand that stunts like this may seem funny to you, but almost everybody else sees this as immature and childish. Grow up or shut up.

Yeah you should have definitely made him eat it. See if he ever does that again, the little ******.

You should've whipped down the pants and shit on him, and laughed.

Dude, I'd rather wipe a little kid's ass than an old man's. I worked at a nursing home for two months wiping old people ass.

LOL at #5 XD That sucks though, having someone else take a dump on you. haha

hahahahah, can't get enough of this one,, lmmmmao, you poor thing, you totally did not deserve this, hahahhahahah, hilarious, i totally want to meet this kid