By sdasdflkjas - 30/05/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, while the kid I was babysitting was in the bathroom, he called to me "I need some help in here." Worried I ran to the bathroom and asked him what was wrong. He needed me to wipe his butt. As if that weren't gross enough, just as my hand was under his butt, he pooped again and laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 132
You deserved it 6 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there, didn't fall for that, back in my babysitting days. Kid called me and told me she needed me to wipe her, I handed her a roll of TP and told her to grow up and do it herself. Works wonders. She cleaned herself just fine. (At her age, I'm sure she normally already cleaned by herself and was just tempted to pull a prank like the kid you babysat too, so I'm sure I escaped a similar fate...)


bandgeek24601 0

Does the kid have special needs? I babysit for a special needs child, and sometimes need to help him out in the bathroom. But if not... what a little shit...

EWWWWWW!!!! u should have just sprayed him with a hose or something instead of helping him out- kids can be evil

ohhboyyy 0

#5 FYL haha. Omqq thiss is soo funnyy thoughh.... I'm seriously cracking up right now. Sorry about your now covered-in-shit hand! Hope u washed and purelled!!!!!! Ahahahaa!!!!

Poxag 0

WOW, that's absolutely disgusting!!

AntiChrist7 0

that's why i never babysit. YDI

oh goodness 0_0 one reason i don't want kids

The little prick! Little kids are EVIL!!!!!!

i would kick the shit out of that little ****'s ass