Very fishy

By Bryce - 10/05/2020 02:00

Today, my dad and I went fishing. We both got a bite, but when we went to reel it in, both our hooks were in the catfish's mouth. He pushed me in the mud and took my hook out its mouth so he could say he caught it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 651
You deserved it 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EmDizzle2007 28

"real it in"? Guess you didn't wanna fake it, huh?


"real it in"? Guess you didn't wanna fake it, huh?

EmDizzle2007 28

I’m glad, Dad raises his kid to earn something instead of having everything given to him.

How old are you? I'd laugh it off... unless you are a youngin, then that was low of him.

julfunky 29

Your age determines the level of hilarity this situation has.