By Angel - 22/06/2015 02:16 - United States - Utica

Today, while swimming under water, my 80-pound lab thought I was drowning and tried to "rescue" me by jumping in after me, wrapping his front legs around my neck, and standing on my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 161
You deserved it 2 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha that stinks I'm sorry op, maybe play with him more it sounds like he only wanted to play with you without getting wet.


Haha that stinks I'm sorry op, maybe play with him more it sounds like he only wanted to play with you without getting wet.

At least you know he gotchu if you drown lol

I take it you were swimming on your back..?

dacooliest 16

Well that's the nice way to think about it, but maybe he finally saw it as his chance to get rid of her! ._.

iPixelCheese 19

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Did you read the FML? It was his dog, not a human friend. How would a dog know any better?

iPixelCheese 19

Holy cow I am an idiot! I will be in the corner if you need me

girls best friend come on its not always a cat.

At least you have a dog that really cares about you

SauceySarah 30

That's really adorable. He loves you and tried his best!

blcksocks 19

I can't tell like if you just went down on your lab or did a 69 ...

I hope you're fine OP, but at least you know he's there for you at all times!