By thathurt - 01/01/2012 00:51 - United States

Today, while shopping at Wal-Mart, a guy grabbed my butt. When I turned around to slap him, he shook his head, said "Nice ass but such an ugly face", then walked away. I've never been told I'm ugly before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 030
You deserved it 8 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments


And you decked him right? Besides who cares if it's doggie style.

Ugly is on the inside. Outside, you can wear a n angry ugly face and "be beautiful" by magazine standard. Or you can wear a content confident expression and actually be beautiful. I am plain average , pushing ugly by fashion mag standards but because Ido t give a shit about what other people think, men gravitate towards me, it's weird.

From what I've witnessed, the girls who are considered ugly by "magazine standards" who guys gravitate toward tend to have an image that comes across as slutty or at least fairly easy. Perhaps your disregard for what people think doesn't send the same message you think it does...

Lol, happily attached, not slutty at all. Just confidant.

...Yes because you would be the best person to judge your own character. I'm not saying you are, its just a possibility.

chels1994 11

Don't let it get you down. Some random guy at Walmart doesn't have an opinion that matters.

Kypopz 9

That was just so he could get away with it!

hateevryone 14

what stopped you from slapping him?

NullPointer 20

Look on the bright side, you have a nice ass :)

picklemonger 13

Don't worry about it. I wouldn't put too much stock into the critique of a shlob that grabs random people's asses at Wal-Mart of all places.