
By Anonymous - 09/02/2023 04:00 - United States - Boiling Springs

Today, I realized that I’m so used to be stood up or ghosted for dates that I don’t even bother getting ready. FML
I agree, your life sucks 754
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pick a place where you actually want to go and an activity you really want to do. This way, date or not, it will be worth going.

Suggestion: Update your profile to a recent picture and make your description accurate. That might get less interest but those who are interested will be far less likely to take off when meeting you… Both men and women face the same kind of unrealistic expectations - Men lie about their height or work, women lie about their size or age. Open up your selection criteria to men who may not be “movie star leading man” appearance but who may be a good person to get to know. Between more honesty on your side and being less picky you should have more successful meetups… Finally, if you have given up - Don’t skip the meeting yourself, just cancel it. You know how it feels to get stood up.


You're probably not really being stood up as often as you think. Often people make a pass by the location of the date to get a glimpse of you in person. When they see you look like shit, they just keep going.

Not sure what the downvotes are about. It sucks but it's probably happening.

Suggestion: Update your profile to a recent picture and make your description accurate. That might get less interest but those who are interested will be far less likely to take off when meeting you… Both men and women face the same kind of unrealistic expectations - Men lie about their height or work, women lie about their size or age. Open up your selection criteria to men who may not be “movie star leading man” appearance but who may be a good person to get to know. Between more honesty on your side and being less picky you should have more successful meetups… Finally, if you have given up - Don’t skip the meeting yourself, just cancel it. You know how it feels to get stood up.

Pick a place where you actually want to go and an activity you really want to do. This way, date or not, it will be worth going.