By KayDayParade - 28/08/2011 00:38 - United States

Today, while paying for groceries, I opened my wallet to find that all my cash had been exchanged for Monopoly money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 365
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DarkHelmet 10

Go directly to jail Do Not Pass Go Do Not collect $200!!


This kinda sounds like a really bad guerrilla campaign for the new Monopoly movie.

catharsis5 9

did you know who did it? Cause that guy needs to run for his/her life

BellaBelle_fml 23

It was most likely OP's children.

why would you run after someone who has just given you money? and as most children don't have much to any money, is the thought that counts...

liy223 6

Either robberies are becoming more and more extravagant or you have kids.

K_kanaka 26


Ummm, ok mandark, you need to stop smoking that weed now

K_kanaka 26


K_kanaka 26


K_kanaka 26


"and so they told me I had to go to jail until someone rolled a 6"... Right?

stroudie94 9

Pay for it like a Boss and walk off.

I'm pretty sure OP isn't a kid...I mean, I could be wrong here..