By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 00:57 - United States

Today, while on my run, I was attacked by my neighbor's new dog. It apparently didn't like me running past their house and broke free from its chain. I now have stitches and was just told that I'm probably being taken to court for the emotional distress I caused her and the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 732
You deserved it 2 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take pictures of your injury now, in case this goes to court after you've healed. As long as you have a good lawyer, you shouldn't lose. Still, FYL for the hassle and lawyer fees :

FFML_314 11

Buy a tiger and let is loose in her house.


ur going to win the case and they're going to put the dog down for biting someone.

I think this is one of the few FML's that i agree with my sue happy counterparts. Yes, you should sue her, and yes, the dog does have to be put to sleep.

If the dog attacked you, you have probably have it put down.

Angejolie 0

Around here, no matter how small, cute, or friendly the dog is, if it bites you it's getting put down and your arse is getting sued for not controlling your dog. One time this guy was jogging past my dog and my dog tried to lick him. The guy knees him in the mouth and tried to sue me for my dog "biting" him. >"<

Dude, don't even START complaining. That's the easiest court case to win.

The dog by law should be put down if it attacks a human.

Umm... don't dogs that bite people have to be put down?

Ur gonna win and the dog is gonna be put down.

Guillory24 0

thats stupid, only in america (spoiled ass america) can u take sumone to court for "emotional distress" and actually have a judge listen to it. WHAT KIND OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS??..OP DIDNT KILL ANYONE! i hate how spoiled this country is and some of the people in it! smdh! SO STUPID

Wow....first of all, calm down. Secondly - before you complain about a country's legal system, whether you live there or not - do a little research. The dog owner would NOT be able to successfully sue, and would very likely be fined by the court (if it ever made it to the court at all, which I doubt it would) for bringing a frivolous claim. Just because she says she'll sue doesn't mean she can do so successfully. So, next time you try to claim that the American legal system is "spoiled" and "stupid," know what you're talking about first.

while that may be true in this case, you can't tell me america isn't full of - and doesn't thrive on - frivolous lawsuits. as examples? the lady that got her doctor disbarred because he broke her arm during surgery (she reached out, under full anastetic and during an extremely delicate/invasive surgery, and put a deathgrip on his testes). he could not continue, and (after trying every other way), was left with no alternative but to break the arm, finish the surgery, and reset the arm. the guy who decided to sue Pepsi for false advertising regarding the harrier jet on the first Pepsi Points campaign the woman who sued McDonalds for letting ice/drink sit on the floor, causing a hazard (she slipped and fell because of it. she also caused it, having thrown the drink at her boyfriend during a fight not 30 seconds earlier). the student in New Hampsire who's suing the school board, state, and professor after he clamped a cable onto his nipples, and plugged it in during an electrical course (stopped his heart breifly. he claims the instructor didn't tell him it could be dangerous to do so, therefor was negligent). and lest we forget the woman who started it all. the one who sued McDonalds after she spilt her coffee on herself, and claimed she "didn't know it was hot".