By JAMjessie - 20/09/2016 16:54 - United States

Today, I found out that my boss's ex-husband is my company manager. They are one office space apart and constantly shouting about one another. I'm in that one office space between them. In the office across from me? Their daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 391
You deserved it 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would suggest silently looking for a different job because that can easily turn to an unsafe and unpleasant work environment. FYL OP.

Start looking for a new job. That could turn into a hostile environment, in which you could not perform to what you know you can do. Also try and help their daughter get a new job so she doesn't have to deal with the hostile work environment as well. If she wants to stay, let her. But try to get out of there OP. Hopefully good luck job hunting. And make sure not to tell your bosses you're looking for a new job!


I would suggest silently looking for a different job because that can easily turn to an unsafe and unpleasant work environment. FYL OP.

Not worth it OP! Atart looking for a new job..

Or a soap opera. OP should start secretly seeing at least two of these people.

Honestly, I feel worse about that poor daughter.

LinkedIn, good way to find a new job. And if someone see you on the site, you can say they are business contacts.

Start looking for a new job. That could turn into a hostile environment, in which you could not perform to what you know you can do. Also try and help their daughter get a new job so she doesn't have to deal with the hostile work environment as well. If she wants to stay, let her. But try to get out of there OP. Hopefully good luck job hunting. And make sure not to tell your bosses you're looking for a new job!

species4872 19

Oh wow, I can't believe I missed that! My bad, thanks for pointing it out. :)

Wait, no they aren't. My bosses ex-husband, and their daughter is across the office!

While you job hunt can you also update us with some of the crazy banter that you're literally in the middle of? It will be a release for you as well.

Spudnik 21

I honestly don't know who to feel worse for in this FML...

I feel worse for the daughter having to go through that.