By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 00:57 - United States

Today, while on my run, I was attacked by my neighbor's new dog. It apparently didn't like me running past their house and broke free from its chain. I now have stitches and was just told that I'm probably being taken to court for the emotional distress I caused her and the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 732
You deserved it 2 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take pictures of your injury now, in case this goes to court after you've healed. As long as you have a good lawyer, you shouldn't lose. Still, FYL for the hassle and lawyer fees :

FFML_314 11

Buy a tiger and let is loose in her house.


**** that dog and **** that owner too ! :P

ydi for believing her. call the cops and have her criminally charged, have the dog destroyed, then sue for medical bills and punitive damages. i have dogs. as a dog owner, i am fully and completely liable for anything and everything they do

this site is facked. not sure why the my first response doesn't show up til after i repost

I'd sue them right back. most states have leash laws and the fact that it broke its chain or whatever doesnt matter

10 I could be wrong but aren't people that are to lazy to actually do research before posting "they are required to..." not allowed on the Internet? Not only does this show that you don't know the law but it is totally useless information unless the individual lives in the exact same jurisdiction as you do. Dog bite laws vary from one area to another. Please get your facts straight next time.

Countersue for legal fees and emotional and physical damage. What a stupid bitch.

79DrAwkwArD97 0

Counter sue for medical bills, emotional trauma, and to have her dog put down by the city for being unsafe...

DakotaCat 4

What emotional distress did your neighbour suffer? What a selfish bitch! Her little "distress" is more important than painful dog bites?

Wow... Seriously i'd slap the bitch and kick her dog there's some emotional distress for them

Woah, FML glitch. My comment is gone. oO

what a bitch i would make her pay your medical bills no court would side with her i mean damn that lady is ******* stupid for thinking she could win in court