By Ladycakes - 04/06/2012 10:13 - United States - Altamonte Springs

Today, while in bed, I tried to explain how overworked and unappreciated I feel doing all the housework to my fiancé. It was only when I'd finished my long rant that I realized he had been asleep almost the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 829
You deserved it 6 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

Umm no 20 you have half of that statement wrong. Yes, you are right; no one should use sex as a punishment, but if he cheats that is not her fault. Don't justify cheating as ok, it never is. If you have to cheat then you need to end a relationship.


I bet he probably works 60hrs a week and she doesnt have a job and barely cleans. Then he get home from work and she bitches and nags at him about doing more around the house when all he wants is to rest so he can get up the next morning and go back to work. Happens all the time.. Both ways not just the man working

Maybe try not talking in a nagging voice. I bet he had a hard day making real money doing mans work.

Well Op just put a piece of bacon next to his nose im sure that will wake him up.

I'm going to guess that since your only engaged you probably don't have kids yet and if that's the case I don't know what your complaininb about. As long as you stay ontop of the housework it's not all that hard. I live in a 2/2 apartment w/ garage by myself and work 50 hours a week and somehow I manage to do all the housework in the little amount of time that I'm not at work, sleeping, or relaxing.

She's lucky he let her out of the kitchen.

Maybe shut up next time. Let the man sleep in quiet

pfclunchbox005 1

I'm sure he pays the damn bills and puts food in the fridge. Women complain about everything god. You sound like my girlfriend.

lalalanono 8

Maybe you should try having a conversation instead of just simply ranting at him. If you were able to get through an entire rant without noticing he was asleep... that's on you.

Mods: And I quote: "It was only when I'd finished my long rant that I realized he was asleep......." :)

Ugh, sorry 48. This was meant to be posted on a comment that got deleted because the mods got found it offensive, or something. I don't know why or how it ended up -here-.

**** minus the word "got". Sorry, again.

No offense, but your fiance is a bitch. I don't care if he's a guy, he's a bitch.