By ow - 04/09/2010 23:43 - United States

Today, while I was running in a cross country meet, a bug flew into my right eye. Then, a bug flew into my left eye. Not wanting to lose a neck-and-neck sprint, I tried to run blind. I hit a pole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 594
You deserved it 8 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sliperrypenguin 0
MyChemical_fml 0

Yep!!... Let's all wear goggles while running. :)

I have to admit, 1's comment made me laugh...

Jhtaylor 0

yeah right I don't believe it at all! I'm just saying what are the odds. I mean maybe if you had like honey on your eyes and right beside a swamp. but good story

MyChemical_fml 0

25 - You would believe it if someone said "Today I was running through a swamp with honey in my eyes. FML."?

"Today, while I was running in a cross country meet, a bug flew into my right eye. Then, a bug flew into my left eye. Not wanting to lose a neck-and-neck sprint, I tried to run blind. I hit a pole. FML" YDI.

"Today, while I was running in a cross country meet, a bug flew into my right eye. Then, a bug flew into my left eye. Not wanting to lose a neck-and-neck sprint, I tried to run blind. I hit a pole. FML" YDI.

bigblue95 0

my mamas slidin down the pooole. :(

You ran into a Polish person? JK You should always wear glasses when running.

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

i lost the game... what time is it?

sexyscooter 0

finaly a half way decent first comment

flyingsheep1838 0

hello trollers. look at your comment. now back to mine. now back to your comment. now back to mine. sadly, it isn't mine, but if you stopped randomly posting and thought before you spoke, it could look like it's mine. look down. back up. where are you? you're leaving a reply to the post your post could look like. what did you write? back at me. I have it. it's one comment on that thing you love! look again... THE COMMENT IS NOW DIAMONDS. anythings possible when you write like a champ, and not a lady. I'm on a horse.


you lose and now that I said that I lost the game.

Anaxes 5

Silence filth. That was hardly funny.

safirestar09 0

I suppose #2 should say sorry for having a magical brain that is capable of producing insanely funny comments every single second without trying.

hahahah this made me laugh...idk but I don't really get how you run into a pole if you're at a meet? idk?

Graawr 7

WTF is a Newfag? and lol @. 25 classic douchebags who takes off his shirt for no reason xD

ohthebloodygore 16
ohthebloodygore 16

oh I feel special lol. I read your comment gore, and I was like, she spelled stopping right. it took me three times to realize it was the 'it'

MyChemical_fml 0

I had to read your comment to see what gore did wrong... :D. Then it took me like another 4 tries. /facepalm

ohthebloodygore 16

You never stop in an xc race. ESPECIALLY at the end. Number one rule in cross country.

Not number one rule if your blind. If at any time you fail to see, or even fail to run, you stop. Doesn't matter about "rules" in a XC race. Making sure you are okay and safe to go again is more important than winning a race.

FFML_314 11

that bugs like to fly into your eyes? stupid comment bug.

ruby84 1

that op is an idiot for not wearing sunglasses to stop fleas from invading op's eyes

xcrunner_725 4

Not really, not a lot of people wear sunglasses to run in.

RoccoRox 0

I'm gonna guess and say.. you lost?

jeez ... you walked right in to that one.

No I think he biked right into that one

Oh god ignore me clearly I'm a ******* idiot who can't read.

Anaxes 5

I can only imagine 2 people running beside each other, coming to a curve, the OP just running forward into a lamp post while the competitor follows the curve.