By Anonymous - 15/08/2011 00:25 - United States

Today, while flicking my bean, I was thinking about my boyfriend who moved to California last week. Before I came, I had to stop because I started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 412
You deserved it 10 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PurpleFrostingg 7
actingbro 3

Who says "flicking my bean"? Lol


czalc 0

Aww Hun it's ok. You can't change it so try not to be upset as much as possible. Just think of other things, occupy yourself, try to have fun :)

shake_my_head 2

to all who said "who says 'flicking my bean'": what are you supposed to call it? "rubbing my button?"

meganseesstars 9

just get over the terminology she used! hot damn ! its creative! she could have just said "HAY GUISE SO I WAS PLEASURING MYSELF." but she made it moar interesting

BikeAllDay818 6

Would "her bean" happen to be het clit?

I have to be honest and say that your description "Flicking my bean" actually turned me on. I get this mental image of you naked, all sweaty and sexy, really grinding it out but then I get sad when I get to the part about you crying..... :(

Anyone who uses the term "flicking the bean" deserves what comes to them. Just saying.

KentuckyRebel92 8

Flicking my bean? Huh. That's a new one.