They grow up so fast these days

By Greg - 08/06/2021 00:01

Today, my 6-year-old nephew told me that he wanted to grow up already, so that he could smoke, drink and, "fuck like a rabbit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 041
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Well, it's important to have goals in life😅

Precocious mindsets are adorably tragic...


Wadlaen 23

Well, it's important to have goals in life😅

Precocious mindsets are adorably tragic...

Does he have older brothers? It’s hilarious what he said. I just wonder where he learned it

ojoRojo 27

Something’s not right there 😳

Isn't that why everyone wants grow up... except that's usually how we think when we are teenagers, not six year olds.

As we grow so do our views on life and goals. I’m sure he’ll grow out of it