By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 18:11 - United States - Portland

Today, while cleaning my son's room, I found an envelope labelled "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL" under his bed. I opened it, only to find it was a glitter bomb. I couldn't get it all cleaned off myself before he got home. He just said "HAH! Serves you right!" and went to his room smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 673
You deserved it 62 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's really hard to feel sorry for you here when you opened an envelope that wasn't yours. Especially one that said "private and confidential" as a last chance warning. Totally deserved it.

This is the biggest YDI i have seen in awhile


On the one hand, parents need to watch their kids attentively for signs of mental instability and general poor choices. Because parents should do that. Because catching these things early on is important. On the other hand, however, children deserve the right to privacy. And on the freaky third hand, why does your kid think its okay for him to glitter bomb you? The ****?

You did the right thing. But it's still pretty funny.

You should talk with your child instead of snooping. How would you feel if your child snuck around in your room?

How is this getting a third as many FMLs as YDIs? Are there that many terrible parents on this site?

Yeah it does serve you right you invaded someone's privacy

if a kid nevee has space and privacy they will resent you and find a way to hide stuff from you even better YDI for invading his privacy

thatonetribute 31

Even if he's a kid, he deserves privacy. You definitely deserve it.