
By Dad41 - 21/06/2019 12:00

Today, I came home from work and found that my son had taken every single one of his toys out and left them on the floor. Plus some goldfish crackers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 385
You deserved it 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jesus, not goldfish crackers! Seriously, if your kid making a mess is already an FML for you, you might wanna give him up for adoption before he hits puberty.

Lol wait till there's at least two or more 5 yr olds loose in your house, you'll blink and poof the house is destroyed 🤣,just make picking up the toys a game it's alot easier then ya think


Jesus, not goldfish crackers! Seriously, if your kid making a mess is already an FML for you, you might wanna give him up for adoption before he hits puberty.

Lol wait till there's at least two or more 5 yr olds loose in your house, you'll blink and poof the house is destroyed 🤣,just make picking up the toys a game it's alot easier then ya think

Leviathene 34

You poor dear.... *eye roll*

Emiweb 9

If your son is old enough to be left home alone to do that (which is kind of the implication given here, deliberate or not, based on the wording) then he can probably pick them back up again. Besides age, we also don't know how many toys he has for reference. He could only own two toys and have five crackers. Unless I've missed a detail somewhere.

MamaChey 24

Unless your son is 15, then you might want to also blame the child’s caretaker

horsebabe86 11

That’s what kids do. You think one kid making messes is bad? Try having four! Suck it up, buttercup! It’s what you signed up for when you became a parent.

That’s what kids do, who was supposed to be watching him?

HotDog300 8

Oh no! I absolutely hate it when my toddler has actually played with his toys and eaten. I'd rather he not be seen or heard! 🙄🙄 Be a parent, help teach him cleanup. Be kind with it and show him to put things away, complaining online makes it seem you believe being a physical parent and not just a monetary one is too hard. Why I laugh when my dad said he raised us. No, mom did. You complained about being a dad when you were home.