By Anonymous - 31/12/2012 15:44 - Canada - Sydney

Today, while buying paint, I began to help an elderly woman working to lift some heavy boxes. She told me what a nice young lady I was. Then her boss came over, screamed at her for being lazy and fired her. She cried. So did I. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 571
You deserved it 3 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** everyone's lives. But really? Just this instance of helping an employee led to said employee's termination? What the serious ****.


Awwww I feel so bad for the old lady now. You should have kicked her boss

I would call the corporate office and explained the situation and fight for her job back. At least call to complain on the unprofessionalism of that a-hole!

Get a picture of her boss and post that asshole's face all over town. And tell her to sue the ************ onto the street.

The boss did the right thing. Im sick of lazy bitches having other people do their jobs. They should find a job they can do, like cooking or something.

that guy sounds like an asshole. But thgn again I shouldnt be surprised, the ones at the top usually are.

so its not really **** your life, its **** hers. poor lady....

I mean at most jobs you can't expect help from a customer regarding your job.. that being said since she was an elderly woman she shouldn't have been stocking anyway. She should have been placed somewhere where people walking by (like OP) shouldn't feel the obligation to help her. She shouldn't have been fired! **** her life!

Chaosshadowzero 15