By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 02:33 - United States

Today, while at the urinal doing my business, my trousers fell all the way to the ground. As I bent down to pull them back up, my boss walked in the bathroom and thought I was mooning him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 956
You deserved it 3 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

robinsn 0

Who completely undoes their pants to pee? I just unzip my fly... But that's just me.

Lol don't be surprised if you get a raise.


I_R_Genius 3

Prison 101: #1. Never drop the soap. #2. Don't go into the restroom/showeroom alone. #3. Watch out for the surprise butt sex at night, always sleep with one eye open at ALL times.

What's so bad about that? Promotion!

needleinmypants_fml 3

He has to PRETEND he didt enjoy it for protocol. Remember when he slapped ypur butt boobs? He was sticking a post-it with his "private" number on it.

kbourco 0
FYLDeep 25

Why weren't you holding on to them? I mean once you unbutton and unzip, yeah, they're going to fall down. It's that part of that whole gravity thing. YDI.

Lol don't be surprised if you get a raise.

You know, there are some men who *gasp* like men. It's called homosexuality, you might want to try it some time.

If that was the case, it would be the boss getting a 'raise'

well your not getting a raise or promotion maybe a pay cut

oh my. i can only imagine his expression, and still it's priceless lol that had to lead to an awkward conversation, eh?

robinsn 0

Who completely undoes their pants to pee? I just unzip my fly... But that's just me.

therealsuperman 0

I do. the underwear trapdoor is a conspiracy

RedPillSucks 31

People who regularly get their wang caught in the zipper, either because of coordination problems or they're just so well endowed.