By Kevin - 12/04/2011 19:25

Today, while at an important meeting at work, I got to watch helplessly as a police officer gave me a parking meter ticket. Added to that my boss chewed me out for "never paying attention and staring out the window during meetings". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 491
You deserved it 11 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dezinspaaace 0

lmfao, sounds like something out of a movie. but seriously, you could of just explained the situation to your boss...unless your boss is a complete dick. in that case, fyl op.

Like his boss would really care about OP's deserved ticket. YDI.



Don't u just hate when crap lines up like that? :/

cptmorgan15 2

I've never seen crap line up before. It's usually just bunched up in the toilet bowl.

My crap does neither. It makes a big pancake in the middle and sits there for months at a time ( not really lol)

iAmPaul 49

you should of said "sir I'm not paying attention because I am currently getting a parking ticket ". maybe he would understand

Like his boss would really care about OP's deserved ticket. YDI.

iloveboyswittats 10

OP wasn't paying attention in the first place. there is no way he/she would have known they were getting a ticket before looking so they were just not paying attention.

Iknoweverything 29

Since when do bosses understand? Park where you are supposed to, or plug the damn meter with enough change to get you through the day. It's not the boss's problem that his own employee doesn't feel like following a simple enough concept. There isn't a single problem in the world that an employee has that makes it a boss's job to understand. By the way, I second what 24 said as well.

Lieto 1

And why the hell not? He got a car as well and frankly any meeting can use some distraction just to wake everyone up. Anyway its better then staring into the window with sad face for 15 minutes,

shouldn't have parked there. ******* idiot

dezinspaaace 0

lmfao, sounds like something out of a movie. but seriously, you could of just explained the situation to your boss...unless your boss is a complete dick. in that case, fyl op.

You should have told him," but someone is breaking into YOUR car!!!". Then he will be the one looking out the window during meetings.

Nobody spat in his cherios, somebody peed in them, ate them, pooped them out and he ate them.

Have to agree, you shouldn't have parked parked there. Alternatively, you should've put more money in the meter..