By Jordan - 29/05/2009 13:15 - United States

Today, my friend paypal'd me some money to tide me over until my school loans come through. For a transaction description, he wrote "to get back in that pussy game." It got red flagged, and I had to talk with three female customer service agents before it went through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 909
You deserved it 4 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well has it gotten you back in the game?

No biggie. I'm sure they thought it was funny once you explained it. All in all, that's a good friend. #3, tell me how the friend is a loser? Seems pretty nice to me.


Well has it gotten you back in the game?

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star_ver 0

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No biggie. I'm sure they thought it was funny once you explained it. All in all, that's a good friend. #3, tell me how the friend is a loser? Seems pretty nice to me.

mvm89 0

Haha #1 that sucks, though it did go through so no big deal about talking to 3 people for it

Really? Its that big of a problem that they have to moderate it?

Siren_00 0

Haha you have a great friend.

Your friend's a jerk! I never knew that they monitor that stuff, kewl!

*Cool... Sorry I just can't stand people who spell cool like that

Wait, why do they care what you are getting money for? Let's pretend that the money WAS to pay for a hooker or something, how is that ANY of PayPal's business?

purplemonkeys23 1

They're trying to monitor things that are illegal.

deliciouskaek 1

That might be the best one so far. I don't think it's FYL or anything, but damn, that's embarrassing! xDDD