Economy 101

By cheap bastard! - 13/02/2023 17:00 - United States

Today, instead of thinking he should try to get a higher-paying job (like I did) my husband decided to come up with some money saving ideas. Almost all of them include being unhygienic, such as weekly showers, wiping dishes, and only washing clothes after 5 or more wears. I want a divorce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 920
You deserved it 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Obviously his main money-saving plan was to take half of everything you own.

That seriously sucks, and the path to financial stability is an arduous one. All of those things you listed would save you practically nothing. How is it you don't have bigger more obvious items?


Obviously his main money-saving plan was to take half of everything you own.

That seriously sucks, and the path to financial stability is an arduous one. All of those things you listed would save you practically nothing. How is it you don't have bigger more obvious items?

Maybe suggest he consider a higher paying job. What is obvious to one person may not be so to someone else.