By daddyslittlegirl250 - 05/05/2009 02:41 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in French class. I went on a French exchange last year, so I wanted to sound all impressive and cultured for my crush who is in the same class. I said that it was my favorite movie and I couldn't wait to watch it with everyone. The movie turned out to be about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 84 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your name is "daddyslittlegirl"... I really hope that was intentional and not just the worst irony in the world. Anyway, YDI for trying to impress someone when you obviously didn't have a clue what you were doing. That's gotta be the one thing worse than trying to impress people in general - trying to impress them by *lying*.

LMFAO. That's what you get for lying. YDI.


The_Lone_One 0

Reason #2733424 why I don't like France: Their movies suck.

Wow, reading over all the comments, so many people are suggesting possible French movie titles about incest. Are there a lot of French movies about incest?? And in the words of Salinger: phony :P

@2 Manon des Sources is just the sequel to Jean de Florette, both of which i liked. good books too. did you see the first one? LMAO @9!! thanks for the laugh. @31! haha! really always about drugs and AIDS?! thats hilarious! so thats why the french always think we're drug addicts... or... wait.. what? and 45. stf. OP thats pretty funny.

bonafidehustler 0

I don't think it's such a bad thing. Surely the movie wasn't PROMOTING incest, it was just ABOUT incest. Are we not allowed to like movies about incest?

Today, I am a French movie guy. Someone didn't like my movie just because there was incest in it. It is art, you silly American!! FML!

pinkpiggy77 0

Maybe it was Noces Blanches? I agree, can't be La Boum. La Boum is a teen movie about a 14-year-old girl who goes out with a 14-year-old guy.

ffpoisongirl 0

Way to lie to make yourself sound better. Strike up a conversation with the guy like a normal human being.

Dumbass. Next time, look at the box, maybe? I mean, assuming you peak any French, which seems unlikely at this point. But Manon de Sources is not ABOUT incest. That's a great film, it's too bad you can't appreciate it.

I think I might have seen the movie you're talking about. It's messed up.