By daddyslittlegirl250 - 05/05/2009 02:41 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in French class. I went on a French exchange last year, so I wanted to sound all impressive and cultured for my crush who is in the same class. I said that it was my favorite movie and I couldn't wait to watch it with everyone. The movie turned out to be about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 84 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your name is "daddyslittlegirl"... I really hope that was intentional and not just the worst irony in the world. Anyway, YDI for trying to impress someone when you obviously didn't have a clue what you were doing. That's gotta be the one thing worse than trying to impress people in general - trying to impress them by *lying*.

LMFAO. That's what you get for lying. YDI.


I don't get how saying a French movie is your favorite makes you look impressive.

Was it Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart)? That kid's got somethin goin on with his mom. From reading the other comments, evidently the French love movies about incest.

IDIOT! you obviously deserved that one.

I've always wondered what makes people think that doing that kind of stuff is going to be impressing instead of amazingly stupid. Really. Saying a movie you haven't seen is your favorite? That's completely stupid, what a loser. YsooooDI

YDI for doing something stupid to impress someone.

sictransit_rosie 0

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO daddyslittlegirl... so your name just basically means that you do dig incest just saying :p

shmunk 0

I love all the guesses about which french film it was bc there are SO MANY french films about incest.

NicGstfsn23 0

omg i had french last year with my crush and i would do anything to get there attrention.. but i think i would have waited to see what the movie was about before making a comment