By daddyslittlegirl250 - 05/05/2009 02:41 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in French class. I went on a French exchange last year, so I wanted to sound all impressive and cultured for my crush who is in the same class. I said that it was my favorite movie and I couldn't wait to watch it with everyone. The movie turned out to be about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 057
You deserved it 84 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And your name is "daddyslittlegirl"... I really hope that was intentional and not just the worst irony in the world. Anyway, YDI for trying to impress someone when you obviously didn't have a clue what you were doing. That's gotta be the one thing worse than trying to impress people in general - trying to impress them by *lying*.

LMFAO. That's what you get for lying. YDI.


jchag 0

i made an account just for this fml, WHAT KIND OF CLASS SHOWS A MOVIE ABOUT INCEST? isn't that inapproiate for school?

Uh yeah I guess it would be innapropriate if she was in grade school but middle or high school would be fine. Parents usually have to sign a sheet saying they're okay with it though.

Showing a film about incest in FRENCH CLASS? I mean, you were pretty stupid to pretend to like a film you never saw, but really, that's something no normal person would ever anticipate. Half of the school system is just teachers trying to do their job and the other half wants to **** your mind up so badly you can't think straight 10 years from now. Some of the shit you'd encounter is just the result of random pervs showing stuff to kids and getting off on it but some of it is very carefully chosen to mess with a growing mind.

alexgisforme3 0

i dont know what incest is but thats so ******* funny LOL. what did he think? haha sorry gurl

deadbabyjesus 2

how is it funny than you dumb ass ****. will you laugh at anything. I mean really. do something with your life and kill yourself!

Perhaps the weirdest thing of all is that people are now naming off incest movies in the comments. Wow. Next.

#19 : I made an account just because I saw this movie a hundred times when I was younger (I am French), and I don't think kissing her dad to make her boyfriend jalous can be considered as incest, especially when you think about this poor dad who can't understand what's going on ^^ But really there are not that many French movies about incest... On the contrary in English classes in France we only see movies about drugs or AIDS. Anyway, maybe the movie was still great, even though about incest, but I think you should learn to shut up sometimes ;-)

Yeah or "Guess who's coming to dinner" ! "LA boum" isnt't an incest story !

I don't know... I'm also french and our english teacher showed us some pretty disturbing movies. Great movies nonetheless. But still. For example: anybody knows "The Kite-Runner"? Good movie, great book. But... Ah well, I won't spoil. :)

Ae_hunt 0

#12 That was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this! Remember, fun and failure both start the same way...

greenyme 0

did you ever hear about this round thing right above your neck? well, it's called 'head'. and inside this head, there is brain. You can think with it ;) the hint?.....