By Venus - 13/03/2014 22:28 - United States - La Crescenta

Today, upon being asked to name all the planets, I had to sing along to a Lady Gaga song in my head to remember them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 239
You deserved it 12 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll give you an applause for trying, even though I show no emotion whatsoever with my poker face.

Please tell me you said "don't you know my ass is famous?" After saying Uranus?


You are lucky you only have to know 8. In my day, we had 9 we had to remember!

Rocket No.9 take off to the planet, to the planet, VENUS!

I thought I was bad, I have to sing the theme song to sailor mom.

That's my go to for remembering the planets.

stop listening to shit and try some real music, and books...

toastedbagel14 3

Hey, whatever helps you! That's better than giving a blank stare as an answer.

If it makes you feel any better I used to sing along to a Hi 5 song to remember them.