By sick of this shit - 12/03/2016 13:33 - United States - West Grove

Today, my dad opened my fridge, let rip a horrible fart into it, then closed it and said "There ya go, a little somethin' for supper." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 954
You deserved it 1 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whatarethisss 23

Next time, don't forget to pee around your fridge to mark your territory.

Never heard of the Dutch-fridge before! :D


whatarethisss 23

Next time, don't forget to pee around your fridge to mark your territory.

You're dad is either really funny, or an absolute asshole

I'm going to go with asshole, just because that's NASTY!

Why? We can assume that he's wearing pants and underwear, since the wording of the post implies OP lives away from their parents and that is the social norm for developed countries. The fart would have to penetrate the underwear and pants so nothing is getting in there.

Never heard of the Dutch-fridge before! :D

Well if you were planning on having beans for dinner he's just taking out the middleman

How considerate of him to provide for his family.