Probable cause

By Anonymous - 21/03/2023 05:00 - United States - Corinth

Today, I got pulled over for speeding. I know that I was in the wrong and will take responsibility for that. When the cop handed me my ticket, he asked me if I was smoking crack. I denied it because I don't do drugs. He asked me what that foul odor was. I was passing gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 653
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the smell was that bad, you should have told him you were speeding cause you needed to take a shit. You'd probably have got out of the ticket.

Crack smells like farts? Now I don't want to try it anymore.


If the smell was that bad, you should have told him you were speeding cause you needed to take a shit. You'd probably have got out of the ticket.

Crack smells like farts? Now I don't want to try it anymore.