Call of the wild

By apeshit94 - 23/07/2020 08:03

Today, my husband accused me of cheating. What was I doing? Outside smoking a cigarette and getting caught peeing outside by my neighbor, because I was too drunk to realize I wasn’t in my bathroom on the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 821
You deserved it 2 630

WintressSoldier37 tells us more.

Hi! OP here. Just to clarify I’m not an alcoholic. Thanks for worrying there. Actually I just drank too much a few months after my mother in law, 14 year old dog and Aunt passed away. Just trying to take the edge off, I way overdid it. And my husband is grieving as well so I don’t blame him for jumping to conclusions, as I was outside for two hours chain smoking.

Top comments

It’s obvious that OP has a bigger problem - They appear to be an alcoholic. Getting so drunk you don’t know where you are is serious. It’s one thing just to be too lazy to go inside to pee, it’s another to be so drunk you don’t know where you are.

What gave your husband that idea, you and your neighbor hastily pulling up your pants in the bushes?


If you're golden shower people, was he wrong?

What gave your husband that idea, you and your neighbor hastily pulling up your pants in the bushes?

It’s obvious that OP has a bigger problem - They appear to be an alcoholic. Getting so drunk you don’t know where you are is serious. It’s one thing just to be too lazy to go inside to pee, it’s another to be so drunk you don’t know where you are.

Honestly, you really might want to start thinking about your life choices, and how you should probably start making better ones.

Hi! OP here. Just to clarify I’m not an alcoholic. Thanks for worrying there. Actually I just drank too much a few months after my mother in law, 14 year old dog and Aunt passed away. Just trying to take the edge off, I way overdid it. And my husband is grieving as well so I don’t blame him for jumping to conclusions, as I was outside for two hours chain smoking.

Win 9

Thanks for the update OP. That gives a lot more context to the situation and helps see the post differently! So sorry for your losses, it makes sense why you wanted to avoid all those feelings at once :/

Mathalamus 24

Maybe find a better way of coping?

Ya we all can understand that everybody's been there at least once in their life

Thank you! I’m finding other ways to cope. Thanks again!

So he accused you of cheating were outside for two hours? That's not normal. That's not grieving. That's bizarre. You're ok with the fact that if your routine deviates at all from what your man expects you to be doing for a few hours he's going to freak out and assume you are cheating.

brenniman 10

When it's gotten to the point where you don't even realize if you're in a bathroom or not means you're obviously over drinking