By Anonymous - 03/02/2012 22:49 - United States

Today, trying to pocket a little extra cash for himself, my dad responded to multiple babysitting ads on Craigslist, accepting them all on my behalf. I despise children with all my heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 055
You deserved it 8 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think I would trust my kids with some random off of Craigslist.. 0.0

Also being kidnapped sucks. Make sure he comes with you to meet them.


kawaii_chaan 5

Just remember op, you were a kid once but it's totally understandable not everyone loves the same things

You do realize that you were a kid once. whats so bad about em? besides crying and being a child theres nothing to hate they are human beings too.learn to love!!?

To the OP, it's your money so use it 'when you need it.' To everyone else saying 'oh, but YOU were a kid once so what's the big deal?' that doesn't make them any less aggravating. Even when I was younger I thought most of my peers were annoying shitstains that wasted their resources.

Who looks for a babysitter on Craigslist?

Superbaker123 14

What parents trust Craigslist to find someone to watch their kid?!

So don't go. And don't the parents pay you? The only way your dad could get the money is if you gave it to him. This confuses me. ydi