By Instacreep - 20/03/2018 01:30

Today, I found out that when someone posts a "story" on Instagram, they can see who has viewed it and how many times. I have been viewing an ex's story every day for the past week. We do not follow each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 139
You deserved it 4 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I knew about who views it. But I did not know about the amount of times that person viewed it. That’s interesting

clairecurses 19

yeah that is creepy & unhealthy, you need to move on


clairecurses 19

yeah that is creepy & unhealthy, you need to move on

I knew about who views it. But I did not know about the amount of times that person viewed it. That’s interesting

Donut_Wizard 23

And you still wonder why she dumped you in the first place.

where exactly does it even imply that the ex is a girl?

Pretty sure that's a female sign under the fml... so 95% chance that the ex is a guy... (3% of US identifies as Gay or Lesbian)

Lobby_Bee 17

I doubt he would even look at who checked his story out. But what do I know, I'm an instanoob.

Unless he checks to see who views them, he wouldn't know about it. I am not sure how long it has been since the break up, but I hope you will be able to move on soon. It's tough, but stay strong, OP!

You do follow him — not in the new-fangled, click-a-button way, but in the old-fashioned, creepy stalker way. Your version takes more effort and is more disturbing.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Hey, don't blame OP, it's probably just... uhh... a really captivating story...

ffl275 21

While creepy and definitely something to stop, they probably haven't been checking regularly to see who's viewing it. Don't sweat it too much.