By Anonymous - 20/03/2018 15:00

Today, while bagging at a grocery store, a customer had me use some canvas bags he'd brought with him. This wouldn't have been a problem had they not reeked strongly of cat piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 789
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TotallyNotJeevas 15

Dude you're allowed to refuse them, especially if it can be classified as a health hazard. If you had been allergic to cats (as I am) that could've put you in hospital.

Lobby_Bee 17

The bag smells like cat piss, looks like he let the cat out of the bag.


TotallyNotJeevas 15

Dude you're allowed to refuse them, especially if it can be classified as a health hazard. If you had been allergic to cats (as I am) that could've put you in hospital.

Lobby_Bee 17

The bag smells like cat piss, looks like he let the cat out of the bag.

I feel a little sorry for you because of the few minutes you are subjected to the stench of cat piss. I feel sorrier for the poor schmuck in Customer Service who will soon get blasted by an irate customer claiming your store sells food that tastes like cat piss!

I once had that happen. I told my customer "diddles went piddles in your bag." She was very embarrassed for not noticing it but we had a good laugh about it anyway.

Oh God, something similar happened to me once when I was doing some volunteering. The lady's bag stank of old Indian food and to my horror, I realised that my hands got covered in days old curry juice. Had to ask a colleague to cover for me while I went to wash my hands 2 or 3 times. Disgusting. FYL indeed.

boopingsnoot 24

When someone becomes a hoarder (or has a brain full of Toxoplasma gondii) they become immune to the smell of cat pee. Or maybe the asshole can't smell much anyway. Either way, I pity them for caring that little.

This is the fault of Capitalism. Unless they can profit from bag upgrading or whatever, a capitalist's goal is to give out the least for the most. Hence cat per bags.

How is this an FML for you more than for him?