
By Heather Scurfield - 06/03/2022 11:00 - United Kingdom - Witney

Today, at work, I had some palpitations, which ultimately caused me to become hot, dizzy, and pass out. I couldn't go home because we were so short staffed, and three different colleagues asked me if I was pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 851
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In what work setting would hot and dizzy and prone to passing out be useful? Maybe a strip club?

Yes, you absolutely could have gone home - or to the hospital - for medical reasons. It's your manager's problem for shortstaffing your work. You still have rights. I hope you're feeling better.


In what work setting would hot and dizzy and prone to passing out be useful? Maybe a strip club?

Any fast food or retail job with a total dickweed of a boss could put a person in this situation.

Yes, you absolutely could have gone home - or to the hospital - for medical reasons. It's your manager's problem for shortstaffing your work. You still have rights. I hope you're feeling better.