By babyblues - 20/11/2012 19:45 - United States - Woodhaven

Today, this guy I've been dating for a few months freaked out and called his mom crying, because I told him I might be pregnant with his baby. He is 27. I haven't even taken a pregnancy test yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 891
You deserved it 30 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You said you were only dating for a few months. I'd be freaking out, too.


I'd completely freak out as well, the fact that you haven't taken a test makes it worse! Quick find out!

You've only dated a couple of months, and your wondering how a lifetime commitment could possibly freak out your partner? Why didn't you take the test first?

b_rad_fml 4

Better to find out now that your "man" is a pussy than after you

How hard is it to learn how to use a ******* condom? And by the way, your "man" is a real bitch. If you are pregnant, he helped make it, so he should be willing to take responsibility for what he's done or (like I've said earlier) learn how to use a ******* condom.

unknown_user5566 26

You like the word "*******" a whole lot, dontcha?

CharresBarkrey 15

Condoms do not work 100% of the time. And nowhere in this FML does it say they did not use one. It also does not say the guy isn't willing to take responsibility. OP took him by surprise, he's allowed to freak out a little. Doesn't mean he'll be a bad father or leave because of this.

170- You're right, we really can't know for sure. But judging from the fact that the majority of Americans say they don't use condoms, and that condoms are 95-98 percent affective when used with a spermicide, I'd say it's safe to say they didn't. But who knows I could be wrong; OP did say that she didn't take the pregnancy test yet (which is also why the bf is a bitch for freaking out). This is one of those FMLs where a comment from the OP would be useful. But if OP is pregnant with someone who she's only been dating for a few months, maybe not even sexually active with each other for that long, then I doubt they've been using condoms each time... unless they did a whole lot of ******* (i added that in for you, kyleekay).

170- and to my understaning, he didn't "freak out a little," he literally cried to his mom about it before OP even took the test. Dear OP, FYL.

Where did you get the information that the majority of Americans don't use condoms? That sounds like bullshit. Like the rest of your post.

224- According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 51% of sexually acive 18-44 year olds say they never use a condom, 16% say sometimes and 32% say always.

Do you have a link to that info or at least a name of the paper? Because I can't find that study on their website. I also think that those numbers probably don't differentiate between casual sex and monogamous relationships and there is a big difference between condom use in a relationship and in a casual sex scenario, which the article probably differentiates between or at least discusses the issue.

You've only been dating a couple of months, of course he'd freak out. Even if you were in a serious relationship, pregnancy is a big deal and changes things. He might not want kids or he might not want to be with you long term. Both of your lives might have just become insanely more complicated. You should be more freaked out, not him be less. You also shouldn't have told him until you'd taken a test, you're just causing him anxiety that may not be necessary.

I fully agree. I'm surprised op seems to be so calm about it... Even in your late 20's you should use double protection to prevent pregnancy if you can't afford/absolutely don't want a baby yet :/ And I sure as hell wouldn't want to have a baby with someone I have only been with for a couple of months...

But op was probably freaking out too. I know I have.

Why would you even tell him before taking a test?!

Because this is obviously a bullshit story... If this wa real do you think she would have posted it on FML?

"This guy I've been dating." Did you really expect him to be all "Oh cool, let's get married." when you're not even close enough to call him your boyfriend? There's hardly a proper response to that; I'd love to have kids, but getting some girl I barely know pregnant is not something I'd take lightly.. FtKL

What a sticky situation... That might put a bump in the road if she is.

hazardmuffin 21

Wow, I'd never do that to a guy. I don't blame him for freaking out. Pregnancy is a scary thing for a lot of people, even those in long term relationships. Why not wait until AFTER the test? If it's positive, he'll at least be freaking out about something concrete, and if it's negative, you can still bring it up to him to make him aware of it without causing panic.

selahsmithereens 1

I think OP might have just been looking for some support. He really shouldn't have went to the extent of telling his mom when she may not even be pregnant, they should have just kept it to themselves until they were able to get her tested. You can't always take a pregnancy test when you suspect you're pregnant, unless you go to a doctor's office. The only thing she really did wrong here was not using double protection when sleeping with someone she's not really serious with.

Well, the only thing she did wrong was not not using protection, it was sleeping with him in the first place!

gregkingsley 4

That Anit my baby. See you on Maury