By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 00:56 - United States

Today, this guy I have been hanging out with for a while came over and we were about to do it. He pulled off my clothes and once I was naked I reached for his zipper. He just backed up and said he was a virgin and simply wanted to see me naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 101
You deserved it 12 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would have lasted 20 seconds anyway... You're not missing anything.

m3l_fml 0

Just saw the Robot Chicken episode, nice improvise, adding the whole virgin thing.


It would have lasted 20 seconds anyway... You're not missing anything.

ilovedastone 0

He's a virgin and nervous about having sex. Normally I'm not one to put down anyone for their sexual freedom, but seriously, stop being such a **** and FML'ing over the fact that not every man will immediately **** anything insight given half a chance. If you care about him and want to build a relationship, help him out. You've got a great opportunity. If you were just out for the sex and don't want the hassle of dealing with a virgin, then hop some other ****, there are plenty out there.

kasey19 0

#67 How is she being a ****? Because she read the signs and actually wanted to have sex with her boyfriend?? Get real...

chimmy 0

#68. He's not her boyfriend, he's "this guy [she's] been hanging out with for a while." Read the post next time.

She wasn't rebuked when she made a move. I think it's reasonable to assume that someone who is getting you naked wants to at least fool around. Even if he didn't want full intercourse it should have been safe to assume he wanted some sort of sexual activity.

The fact that the OP calls sex "it" shows that she's clearly not ready for sexual relations.

Daft_Punk709 0

Guys are pervs. I should know, I'm a guy.

there is an inner perv in everybody. it's just true.

I actually never understand this virgin thing, cause I don't ********** often, and when I did it my first time we went at it like a beast for 3 hours without even a condom and she had to go home, I never even came. It's sad op, I think that guy is weird like you and want to see you baked but then not get intimate, he seems like a perverted Christian. FYL =( I hate those peoples.

weird to* like you wanted to see you naked* damn auto-corrections.

you sound just as gay as the guy in the story.. ****.

That's just an assumption. If you ********** too much your first time might actually last too long

Things make so much sense to me, now.

Thanks for the info #161 , you cleared up alot of things for me!

Well done, you've just proven to everyone how sad your life is. People who call places should submit fmls

caticaticati 3

People who feel the need to actually pay attention to those that call places obviously don't have much of a life, either. And before you say anything about me not having a life for calling someone out for calling someone else out, it's 3:50 AM and I truly DON'T really have anything better to do.

What a witty comeback, caticaticati. You see, the reason that people who call places should submit FMLs is because numbers are already marked on their posts. A person who needs to count the clearly numbered posts out loud to practice her or his numbers clearly has the counting skills of a very young child, and thus is deserving of our pity. JarJar didn't say that people learning their numbers have no life. He said they have a sad life. He and I both empathize with these poor people; think of how difficult a simple task such as buying groceries must be! These people need our help, our support, and our understanding of their condition! How dare you imply that JarJar has no life! He is giving what he can to help those posters who can't count, and you're mocking him for it? He is a hero, a role model for us all. If only we were half as generous as he, the number of mathematically challenged posters on this site would plummet.

ehehehe the comments in these fml's truly are better than the fml itself lol 35 truly does win

You guys still don't get it... The only reason they write "FIRST!" or "THIRD?" is to get angry comments directed at them. You guys may feel like you're superior for saying "Oh, you people are stupid. Shut up, no one cares." but the truth is.... the original counter is the superior one because he/she tricked you into posting an angry response. Remember, you didn't force HIM to write "first!'; but HE forced you to write an angry reply. That is all. You may copy/paste this statement as you please.

MoobyTheCow (#35), is there any way I can subscribe to your comments? That made me laugh harder than any FML I've read today.

jake3292 5

Maybee they were to assamed to say SEX!!!

Do it? Christ, this isn't disney channel. SEX SEX SEX. Anyways, #1 has a point, but wtf anyway. He might be gay

missmeliss0309 0

uh oh! you said an embarrassing word! you're gonna die! lmao.

seriously. if you're young enough to be saying "do it," you're probably too young to be having sex in the first place.

oh wow he saw you naked who f**king cares its you own fault for trying to f**k a guy you barley know or have even dated

m3l_fml 0

Just saw the Robot Chicken episode, nice improvise, adding the whole virgin thing.

Imawhalerider 0

could you just stand on my mantle piece, because your a collectable.

If I recall, there is actually a few pictures of naked girls floating around the internet that he could have looked at.

This made me laugh. Seriously, though... If you've seen a few naked women, you're not really going to be amazed by the next one. That guy was just lame, although I think this FML is fake.

Dragunov_fml 0

Hahahahahahaha at what #1 and #12 said

lolololcheese 0

There's naked girls on the internet? WHAT?

I know. Hard to believe right? I had to Google it just to be sure, and now my eyes won't close properly.

delfinofrank 0

YDI for being a *****. You don't go around having sex with just some guy you have been "hanging out with for a while". You should get to know him more personally for a quite a long time before showing him your va-jay-jay.

You're telling random strangers when to have and not have sex? That's a bit sad.

You're calling her a ***** for trying to get it on with dude she's known for a while? A while is not a day, week or month. Relax Maybe you need to clear your cobwebs out, find yourself a guy & wait 2 years before he gets unlucky.

::facepalms:: This, what a nub. I'm a virgin, but if I was in a situation where a girl allowed me to pull off her clothes, the only thing that'd stop me is whether or not I had a condom. Even then, we'd just have to hold off long enough to go buy some. YDI? Not at all. FHL for passing up the opportunity.

generalsmith2 0

so you're a virgin simply because no girl wants to get near you?

hahahahaha virgins calling virgins noobs.

mcsnelly 5

lol #28 maybe this guy just didn't want to have sex? Yes, it IS possible, people. Obviously it's not just because he can't get any, like #14...

chic0rico 0

lol right thats what im saying